Terms & Conditions

  1. Scope of Application

Under the name of That’s Y.me Marta Balcerzak offers different concepts of services (such as yoga and surf retreats all over the world, workshops, coachings or yoga classes). All services are bookable on her homepage That’s Y.me. Please note that Marta only offers accommodation, food and programs or teachings (yoga, surfing etc.), travels and transport must be organized and paid for individually.

These Terms & Conditions apply to all services booked on the above indicated homepage.

  1. Contracts, Parties and scope of services

When booking a service under That’s Y.me you enter a contractual relationship with Marta Balcerzak. The contracts is concluded when the booking is confirmed by That’s Y.me and the content is specified in each booking.

Please note that, unless Marta Balcerzak offers a service in person, the contract with That’s Y.me only covers the organization and the payment for the specific services. For single services itself, i.e. the surfing lessons, yoga classes, the accommodation and other service providers, the participants enter additional contracts with the specific service providers, subject to the respective terms and conditions. That’s Y.me will provide links to the websites of the respective service providers.

That’s Y.me offers different concepts of services. The services are specified in each service offer on the home page and only the specified services are included in the booking. The services do in no case include travels, transport or transfers. Any travels in connection with retreats abroad or in Switzerland must be booked separately by the participants. Marta Balcerzak is not liable for travels and transport and does not offer such services.

The actual providers of the specific services (different surf teachers, yoga teachers etc.) may vary or change last minute. That’s Y.me guarantees for the same standard of quality but may adapt to the circumstances.

  1. Booking & Payment Terms

Bookings for services are made online on That’s Y.me Participants need to fill in a registration form, upon confirmation of the booking, participants will be asked to pay the requested amount for the service up front. The participation is only guaranteed after full payment. The participants may not claim any services before paying the requested amount.

  1. Cancellations

Please note that That’s Y.me must pay the service providers in advance. Therefore, booked services may not be cancelled and no-shows are not refunded.

If That`s Y.me must cancel a booking for any reason, participants may request to have their payment transferred to another service or to apply for a refund. That`s Y.me may however deduct costs that were incurred due to reasons beyond its control (force majeure etc.) or costs that are not refundable by the service providers.

That’s Y.me is not liable for any additional costs associated with such cancellation (transport cancellations, etc.). 

  1. Liability

The liability of That`s Y.me for any harm or damage to a participant or its property caused by or resulting of any acts of That`s Y.me in connection with the booking of a service are excluded unless That`s Y.me demonstrably acted with gross negligence, willful misconduct or intent.

That`s Y.me is not liable for any harm or damage to a participant or its property caused by the participation in a service.

That`s Y.me is not liable for any harm or damage to a participant or its property which may occur while the participant is in transit to or from a service.

That’s Y.me is not liable for any harm or damage caused by a participant to a service provider.

  1. Health & Medical information

All participants hereby understand and agree that any physical activity, including yoga and surfing, bears a potential risk of accidents. If you have any important health concerns, please consult with your doctor if you are in the right health condition to join any kind of retreat with the activity as we provide like yoga or surfing.

When practicing such exercises as yoga or surfing, participants are responsible for their own level of physical fitness and ability. We only offer surfing classes to good swimmers. Yoga poses/stances should never be forced and participants are required to listen closely to their own bodies. Instructions of the teachers must be followed. if exercises pose any difficulties, participants must inform the instructors immediately.

Please inform That’s Y.me in advance if you have any injuries or allergies. That way we can brief the team and be aware of how best to take care of you during your time on retreat with us.

Participants must have full medical/health insurance in order to participate in any service. We also recommend a travel insurance.

Additional terms and conditions may apply for the single services.

  1. Data Protection

That`s Y.me respects your information. However it is important that you know we do work with third party mailing applications such as Mailchimp and Gmail. It is through these sites that we can stay in touch with you through newsletter updates and through our email communications about your stay. We store only your name and email and nobody, except us, will see it. We will never share your data with anyone else.

That`s Y.me shall only process personal data from participants for the purpose and to the extent necessary for the performance and the execution of this contract. Client explicitly acknowledges and consents, that to that extent and for that purpose, personal data may also be transmitted to the involved service providers.

  1. Applicable law

Contract between That`s Y.me and the participants are governed by Swiss law. 

The courts at the domicile of That`s Y.me (Marta Balcerzak) shall be competent to decide on any dispute, controversy, or claim arising out of, or in relation to, this contract.

For disputes with the single services providers, their terms and conditions shall apply.

  1. Updating our terms of service

We reserve the right to update and/or alter these terms and conditions at anytime, and it is your responsibility to be familiar with them prior to booking with us. 

The latest terms and conditions can always be found above and will supersede any previous versions.

Zürich, 2024